We were thrilled to host a special launch event to unveil our new seven-year strategy, For People and Planet 2030, this week. Wonderseekers is committed to making science accessible to every child and empowering them to create a more equitable world through science. This strategy will help make that happen.
The event was held at Winchester Science Centre and it proved to be the perfect place to meet some very special guests, including our Patron, Megan McCubbin, the Charity’s Trustees and Wonderseekers’ Young Steering Group. The Young Steering Group has the vital job of guiding us and shaping our activities to be fun, inclusive, immersive and interactive so everyone can enjoy them.
Ben Ward, Wonderseekers’ CEO, and Toby King, Chair of our Board of Trustees, led the welcomes and introduced Megan who paid tribute to the work of the Charity, our new strategy and the children who are so integral to its success.
“Children are naturally curious,” said Megan. “Wonderseekers can help children harness that curiosity and learn about the world around them. If children can really get to grips with the science behind things, they are going to feel empowered to do something productive and powerful. That’s why events like this are so important.
“Listening to stories is also really important so we know what the world could be like if we’re all motivated to do something to save it.”
We listened to more inspirational speeches in the Centre’s Science Live space where the children played their part with a fantastic array of placards they’d made to raise their concerns about nature. To end the evening, guests were invited to go on a Solar System adventure in The Planetarium and see the beauty of our planet from space.
Now it’s time for Wonderseekers to set to work to deliver everything we’ve set out to do in our strategy and ensure we can help everyone make a difference For People and Planet. We hope you’ll join us on our journey.